IJNet contributor

Luba Kassova

Luba Kassova is the author of The Missing Perspectives of Women in news report series, including the latest From Outrage to Opportunity, as well as articles in different outlets, including the Guardian, Foreign Policy and EUObserver. She is the co-founder and director of the international consultancy AKAS. Luba’s work has been quoted in news outlets in more than 75 countries. 

You can follow her work on Twitter, LinkedIn or her website.

Un conjunto de rocas en una playa apiladas unas encima de otras
Temas especializados

Estrategias para enfrentar un año de intensa cobertura y fact-checking

Luba Kassova
Dec 26, 2024
Computadora de escritorio con el programa de ChatGPT en pantalla
Diversidad e inclusión

Por qué es fundamental mitigar los sesgos de la IA generativa

Luba Kassova
Feb 26, 2024