我是编辑拉美18个国家的女性媒体社群Chicas Poderosas的项目经理。
当和你的团队头脑风暴一个报道或者一个项目,你可以使用远程视频板,比如Jamboard。 Jamboard有视觉帖,允许你的团队同时生成文字盒,写评论甚至图画。
在起初的计划课程中,During initial planning sessions, it is important to make a list of all the resources and the activities that need to accomplish that you can later set on a timeline. I always make a Gantt chart for long-term projects. Gantt charts are visual tools that help to illustrate the expected dedication of time for different tasks or activities for a specific project. You can make it as complex or as detailed as you need or want. I always like to keep it simple.
We recently hosted a Chicas Poderosas Mediathon. Mediathons are two-day events during which 100 journalists, designers and developers get together to work collaborativelyon underreported stories using innovative platforms.
Planning the event was a six-month project that looked like this:

To keep track of the individual activities in the chart, another tool I love is Trello. Each task is its own card, which can be assigned to a team member, and can include deadlines and alerts. Trello has integrations with other tools such as Google Drive.
In our Chicas Poderosas weekly calls, we update the Trello board, checking up on what each Chica did, and we create and take ownership of new tasks for the next week.
Communicating regularly
When executing a project, communication is key. Set up periodic meetings with your team — weekly or biweekly. You can have them on Hangouts, Skype, or my personal favorite, Appear.in.
A good practice is to always schedule them on the same day and at the same time, since it is important that everyone can attend. If you need to switch times, Doodle can help you schedule in different timezones.
Another key tool for day-to-day communication is Slack. You can set up messaging channels for teams, and set them as private or open.
Tracking impact
Finally, measure the impact of every project. There are several ways to measure impact, and it will depend on the nature of your organization or project to determine which is best. For journalists, it could be shares on social media, article or video views, comments received from the readers or direct social change.
Whatever it is, take into account that data always helps us make better decisions. Strategize with your team to determine the type of impact you want your organization to track. Then, make a list of possible ways to measure that impact, and develop a strategy and process for achieving it.
Start planning, building and making things happen!
Main image CC-licensed by Unsplash via Eric Rothermel.