问题医疗设备 — 以及相关法规和执法的缺失 — 已经害死了数千名全球的患者,并使得数以百万计的人处于危险之中。但是,在我的国家和许多其他国家,几乎没有人了解这种危害。几百万美元级别的医疗移植以及医疗设备企业牵涉进大量充斥着利益冲突、贪腐以及对患者不当操作的丑闻之中。
这就是国际调查记者协会 (ICIJ) 召集来自全球36个国家的超过250名记者以曝光医疗科技行业阴暗面的原因所在。

一种重要的数据输入来自于进口到拉美的医疗设备注册。为了访问相关信息,我们使用Datasur服务 — 这是一种包含23个国家的外贸信息的工具。
In Peru, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador and Mexico, we organized a database of imports from Jan. 2009 to Oct. 2018. This allowed us to build a second database from which we gathered information about manufacturers, importers, distributors, forms of shipping and the batch and model numbers of the devices that arrived in these countries.
Algorithms in the service of health
For The Implant Files, ICIJ created an automatic learning algorithm that analyzed millions of incident reports that were presented by manufacturers to the FDA. That’s how we discovered nearly 500,000 reports from the last decade on explant surgeries related to medical devices.
The findings were jaw-dropping: These devices were associated with 82,000 deaths and 1.7 million bodily injuries over the last decade.
Doctors and conflicts of interest
Some doctors don’t disclose their links with transplant manufacturers even though the medical opinions they offer are biased. The medical device industry is fiercely competitive. On multiple occasions they have threatened police, as well as financial and medical authorities throughout the world, ICIJ revealed. Since 2008, manufacturers paid regulatory bodies in the U.S. and in other countries at least $600 billion dollars to resolve accusations of corruption, fraud and other violations of the law.
You can read more of the findings here.
Fabiola Torres is an ICFJ Knight Fellow and co-founder and editor of OjoPúblico, an independent, nonprofit Peruvian newsroom known internationally for its award-winning investigative journalism. As an ICFJ Knight Fellow, Torres is strengthening journalists’ digital investigative reporting skills to improve coverage of corruption, transparency and governance issues in Latin America.
A version of this article was originally published by OjoPúblico. It was republished on IJNet with permission.
Main image courtesy of ICIJ.