Icfj 的一个项目


作者 Dena Levitz
Oct 30, 2018 发表在 社交媒体


《纽约杂志》封面是当月美国杂志的佼佼者——它展示了35名受到电视人Bill Cosby的性侵的女性:封面本身包含了所有女性坐在椅子上的单个镜头;报道具有深度;记者报道受害者遭遇的方式;以及杂志如何使用平面和互联网来达到报道目标。


互动编辑Lainna Fader告诉IJNet,当完成调查资料的汇集后,距出版之前还有一个月时间,因此杂志社员工开始思考如何在社交媒体上让报道“变得生动”的策略。这些想法考虑利用拥有大量杂志读者的平台(目前Instagram账户拥有26万名关注者)。




其中最受欢迎的audiogram来自Joyce Emmons,获得了2130个“like”。Fader说,除了她的团队——3名社交媒体编辑和她自己——还有摄影师和设计师,以及很多来帮助完成这个特殊Instagram制作的人。








Joyce Emmons, 70, was allegedly assaulted by Bill Cosby circa 1979. Emmons managed a comedy club and became friends with Cosby. They had known each other for about two-and-a-half years when Emmons and her friend went out to a club with Cosby and one of his friends. “I had a terrible headache, and I said, ‘Bill, do you have some Tylenol? I have a mother of a headache.’ And he said to me, ‘I have something stronger.’ And I said, ‘You know I don’t do drugs.’ He said, ‘You’re one of my best friends. Would I hurt you?’ And I believed him. All I remember is taking the pill; I don’t remember going to bed. But I do remember waking up in a fog and opening my eyes, and I had no clothes on, and there was Bill’s friend totally naked in bed with me. I said, ‘What the F did you give me?’ He said, ‘Oh, you had a bad headache, you were in so much pain. I gave you a quaalude.’ I was hurt with Bill more than angry at his friend. Bill let him take advantage of me. That kills me. That’s why I know the stories of what he did to the other women are true, because if he didn’t have the respect for me, who was really a close friend, then he could do that to anybody he didn’t know very well.” Tap the photo to hear Joyce Emmons tell her story, and watch her video interview at nymag.com/cosby-women.

A video posted by New York Magazine (@nymag) on

Image used with permission from New York Magazine