Transparency International and IACC team seek journalists [Worldwide]

منتشر شده در Feb 12, 2024 در Investigative Journalism

Young journalists fluent in English can apply for travel scholarships.

The International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) team at Transparency International is looking for young journalists who are passionate about fighting corruption and investigating social issues to cover the IACC 2024 in Lithuania this June.

Selected journalists will follow the most interesting discussions, interview leaders and activists, produce stories and report about corruption for the IACC blog, and in media outlets at home and globally.

IACC will cover airfare, accommodations and visa processing fees. 

Candidates must be younger than 35 years old and skilled in one or more of the following areas: digital/print journalism, broadcast journalism, photojournalism, digital storytelling, social media and video editing. 

The deadline is March 6.