Free media training on risk communication in health care open [Kazakhstan]

منتشر شده در Nov 4, 2018 در Specialized Topics

Staff journalists from Kazakhstani mass media can apply for this free training program.

The training " Risk communication during health care emergencies," organized by the Central Asia Regional Office of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC/CAR), will take place Dec. 4 and 5 in Almaty.

The trainers are experts in risk communication from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, United States.

Topics include principles of risk communication, preparation of messages for communicating risks and guidance on developing a strategic communication plan for emergency situations. English-Russian interpretation will be provided.

Participation is free, but the CDC/CAR doesn't cover travel and accommodation expenses.

For more information or to apply, send an e-mail to ohh0 [AT] cdc [DOT] gov, including your name, the name of the organization where you work, your cell phone number and CV.

The deadline is Nov. 10.