Grants for journalistic work about Ukraine [Europe]

منتشر شده در May 14, 2024 در Crisis Reporting

Journalists' teams from Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Ukraine can apply.

The Europe-Ukraine Desk offers grants to journalists for producing and publishing high-quality, in-depth, underreported stories that focus on Ukraine.

Applicants are expected to form teams of at least two members with at least one journalist from the EU and one journalist from Ukraine.

Grants will be available until September 2024. The maximum grant amount is EUR5,000.

The stories should be produced within three to six months and published by at least one media outlet based in an EU country by November 2024.

The grants offer support for journalistic projects spanning various genres and formats: podcasts, features, documentaries, printed or online stories, books, comic strips, photos and cross-media productions.

Upcoming deadline: June 3.