AAJA-Asia hosts online session on mental health for journalists [Asia Pacific]

منتشر شده در Oct 13, 2023 در Digital and Physical Safety

Journalists based in Asia Pacific can join this online session on mental health for journalists.

The Asian American Journalists Association’s Asia Chapter (AAJA-Asia) is hosting its next Digital Salon "Coping with Moral Injuries Affecting Journalists" on Oct. 21.

Mental health counsellor and former journalist Kuma Chow will discuss the findings of her PhD research topic “Applying Logic-Based Therapy to Help Journalists Suffering From Moral Injuries.” Chow will share the common type of moral injuries she observed in the journalists she has been counselling, as well as some tips on how to prevent and handle the negative emotions stemming from these injuries.

Participants can join the open-floor discussion, share their experiences and ask questions. 

Register now.