ICFJ offers program to investigate election disinformation [Worldwide]

منتشر شده در Oct 12, 2023 در Information Integrity

Journalists worldwide with an interest in fighting electoral disinformation can apply for a program.

The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), with support from the Scripps Howard Fund, is offering its Disarming Disinformation program. This program offers master classes to deepen participants’ skills and knowledge around tracking electoral disinformation and the role of artificial intelligence in propagating it.

The online master classes, led by top experts, will be held Nov. 7, 8 and 9.

Following the master classes, participants will be eligible to apply for grant funding for cross-border, collaborative projects investigating electoral disinformation.  Participants will also be invited to an in-person “investigathon.”

The program also offers mentorship and training to expose the money behind mis- and disinformation targeting voters.

The deadline is Oct. 22.