Meet the winners of IJNet's story competition

نوشته IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 در Miscellaneous

A community radio reporter in Argentina who used skills he learned from IJNet to beat larger media outlets to a major news story is the winner of IJNet's storytelling contest.

Claudio Javier Díaz, a 25-year-old reporter for nonprofit FM La Ranchada, learned how to mine social media platforms, such as Twitter, for information. "Thanks to IJNet, I started using Twitter to contact potential interviewees and follow minute-by-minute news developments," he says. This is how he learned that Argentina's former president, Néstor Kirchner, had died. Díaz was able to report this before his competitors did.

IJNet has given Díaz a competitive edge throughout his journalism career, he writes in his his grand prize-winning entry in IJNet's storytelling contest. The grand prize is an Apple iPad.

Díaz says his station also uses IJNet information and resources in free weekly training sessions for the public on journalism, radio, music production and writing.

"In each lecture and training that we offer, IJNet has been the primary consulting source for providing free or low-cost alternatives so that other members of our community who are interested in getting involved in radio broadcasting can acquire the knowledge and tools to move forward and share this knowledge with others," he writes.

In addition to the grand prize winner, four storytelling contestants were named runners-up:

Hanan Solayman found training on IJNet that led to her transition from newspaper staffer to founder of Egyptian hyperlocal media portal Mandara Media Foundation.

Egyptian journalist Mostafa Fathi Abd Al Fadeel used digital media skills gleaned from IJNet to record events of the Egyptian Revolution.

Alexandra Agisheva, a journalist from Kazakhstan, uses IJNet to connect with other media professionals around the world and exchange advice about the best approach to reporting on religious issues.

Paola Pinedo García rediscovered her love for journalism after working in communications, and found her current job with Washington-based through IJNet.

The runners-up will receive a US$50 Amazon gift card.

Thanks to all who entered!

Do you have a great story about how you use IJNet? Send it to us and we may feature it on our site.

Photo from Claudio Javier Díaz's LinkedIn page