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Report navigates the role of mobile telephones in media

作者 Persianeditor@icfjorg
Oct 30, 2018 发表在 Miscellaneous

Internews Network and Internews Europe recently launched a report on mobile telephones and local media, which addresses the challenges and potentials of the mobile phone as a new avenue for media communication.

Entitled "The Promise of Ubiquity," the report examines current and future trends in mobile communication and the changes established news organizations must make to reach their audiences and attract new readers.

In addition, the report answers pressing questions and presents a list of best practices, especially useful for the growing number of people that rely on their cell phones not only for making calls but as an integral means of communication, such as in the global South.

Findings are based in part on interviews with journalists, the business community, and technology experts.

For more information and to access the report, visit http://www.internews.fr/spip.php?article459 or contact Laura Stein Lindamood at lslindamood@internews.org.