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Resource helps radio journalists report on HIV

作者 Persianeditor@icfjorg
Oct 30, 2018 发表在 Specialized Topics

Internews Neworks' Local Voices has produced a trainer's manual on how to conduct training courses for radio journalists on HIV reporting.

Approximately 70% of the training exercises teach radio reporting skills including interviewing, scriptwriting, digital sound editing and sound recording. The remainder of the manual focuses on language use and developing HIV knowledge when reporting.

According to the online training manual's introduction, "Local Voices is convinced that journalists will only be able to use HIV knowledge on radio effectively if they're given the opportunity to also develop their storytelling and reporting skills."

The manual is available on the Internews Web site at http://getinvolved.internews.org/site/PageServer?pagename=LocalVoices_ManualHome&JServSessionIdr012=u8ox4bqvj5.app7b. It will soon be available in bound hardcopy and CD format.

To be notified when print versions are available, e-mail Sara Barrett at sara@internews.org.