Google Plus "scoops" Twitter with news of Oslo bombing

Автор Nicole Martinelli
Oct 30, 2018 в Digital Journalism

News organizations aren't officially allowed on Google's new social network Google Plus, but it is already proving to be a powerful tool for news distribution.

Technology news broker extraordinaire Robert Scoble spotted the news of the Oslo bombing first on Google Plus.

"Interesting, I learned of this news on Google Plus, not Twitter," Scoble wrote in a public update at 7:47 a.m. "Something is going on here! And news brands aren't even allowed yet. Oh, wait, Dan works for one. I like the human approach!"

"Dan" is Dan Patterson, broadcast journalist for ABC News Radio, who first updated his Google Plus account at 6:52 a.m. with a photo from Raymond K (self-described as a "Norwegian. Technologist. Non-geek.") who posted a photo from the blast by Anders Heger.

Invites to Google Plus are still restricted, but about 20 million people are using the U.S. company's new social network. In comparison, microblogging service Twitter can count on an estimated 400 million people to spread the word.

For more on how journalists are using it, check out our Google Plus reporting guide.

If you still don't have an invite, sign up for the waiting list here. And cross your fingers.