Freelance writer

Ahmad Adedimeji Amobi

Ahmad Adedimeji Amobi is a Nigerian creative writer and freelance journalist. His work appears in Popula, Sahelien, Critical Muslim, Brittle Paper, Hobart Pulp, Litro UK, Voyage YA Journal and elsewhere. He is a reader at Fractured Literary. 

A man sitting in front of a white board and working on his laptop.
Temas especializados

Formando a la próxima generación de periodistas de soluciones en Nigeria

Ahmad Adedimeji Amobi
Aug 22, 2022
A view of grasslands in Tanzania.
Periodismo ambiental

Construyendo un futuro para la cobertura climática en África

Ahmad Adedimeji Amobi
Apr 10, 2022