Global data journalism resources

by Margaret Looney
Oct 30, 2018 in Data Journalism

As resources for working with and visualizing data continue to pop up across the world, data journalism isn't likely to be another passing media trend.

Inspired by journalist and digital publishing consultant Phillip Smith's collection of top data journalism links, we crowdsourced a few resources from our global readers. In a recent discussion post, we asked you to tell us your favorite data journalism resource in your country or language. Readers submitted resources via Twitter, with the hashtag #globalddj, and in the post's comments.

We've curated the best picks here, including data sets, tutorials, examples of great work and more:


Armenia - A very long list of open-source public databases for Armenia (in Armenian and English).


@joelmatriche - Several comprehensive tutorials by data journalist Joel Matriche (in French).


News Resources - A community of French journalists who’ve crowdsourced links and tutorials for data journalism. Very useful for both beginners and seasoned journalists, as the tutorials range from troubleshooting to introductions (in French).


GovData - Provides centralized access to administrative data from federal, state and local governments in Germany. The aim is to promote the use of open licenses and to increase the supply of machine-readable raw data (in German).

Federal Statistical Office - The largest library of statistical information in Germany (in German and English).


Pordata - Contains data sets on Portugal and Europe, analyzed in indicators and divided into themes (in Portuguese and English).

BASE - A PDF database of all public contracts in Portugal. It publishes information on all contracts signed under the Public Contract Code. The BASE portal also provides access to the information system that assesses and monitors public works procurement in Portugal, the Observatório das Obras Públicas (Public Works Observatory) (in Portuguese and English).


Dag Medya - Contains a steadily updated stream of information on developments and goings-on in data journalism (in Turkish).


India - A very active community of data scientists from all over the country who share and exchange links to their work (in English).

Sankhya - A comprehensive list of links to data sets (in English).

Open Government Data Platform India - A portal where government ministries and organizations can publish data sets, documents, services, tools and applications collected by them for public use (in English).


State Bank of Pakistan - Reports on wealth, finances and monetary policies of Pakistan (in English).

Pakistan Bureau of Statistics - Public source, mostly statistical data relating to various socioeconomic sectors such as price, labor and population (in English).

Ministry of Finance - Data released by the government, mostly annual budget statements (in English).



DataDredger - Visualizations available for download, data-derived narratives, source data and demo toolkits to enable and popularize data journalism in Kenya (in English).


Institute for Public Policy Research - Trade reports and research on public and economic policies in Namibia. Also contains a consolidated list of several links to other data sources on Namibian finance and public policy (in English).

Bank of Namibia - Contains PDF financial reports on the Namibian economy (in English).


Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism - Amman, Jordan-based journalism nonprofit community of investigative journalists that have several sources for data relevant to the region (in English and Arabic).

GENERAL - A compilation of several open-source data visualization tools available online (in English).

Stack Overflow - A free forum for developers to ask and answer programming questions (in English).

Visual Loop - A website on all things data visualization, including a library of impressive visualizations, interviews with experts and job opportunities.

Twitter user Adrian Blanco (@lapichicera) singled out a post of all the "interactive inspiration" featured at Malofiej22, a visual journalism conference in Spain (in English).

And it's never too late to add to the list! If you have a go-to resource for learning, consuming or executing data journalism, post it in the comments below.

IJNet Editorial Assistant Margaret Looney writes about the latest media trends, reporting tools and journalism resources. Iva Dixit also contributed to this post.

Image CC-licensed on Flickr via Marcin Ignac