Top advice of the year from our journalists of the month

نوشته IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 در Journalism Basics

Sometimes, the best motivation comes from your peers.

Each month, IJNet features a journalist of the month, and we always ask the same question: “What advice do you have for journalists?”

The answers vary, but the advice is always strong and sound. Whether you’re an aspiring journalist or have been in the business for decades, here are our favorite tips to inspire you in 2015.

Amie Ferris-Rotman, London: Become an all-rounder. Agree to assignments you’d usually say no to, and tackle stories you don’t find appealing. By forcing yourself to find their angles you will sharpen the craft of storytelling.

Mustafa Mahmoud, Egypt: Write stories on diverse topics, but at the same time, be the hero of a certain beat.

Beatrice Ngalula Kabutakapua, Rome: Seek the advice of people who have more experience than you but don’t assume they will have all the answers—they can only guide you.

Pat Robert Larubi, Northern Uganda: For journalists continuously ignored in their reporting, I urge them to utilize social sites and other online opportunities like blogging to break the iceberg of thinking.

Leigh Cuen, Tel Aviv: Every story has a weakness. Be aware of yours. The best way to handle personal bias is to name it.

Didier Hernán Gil, Panama: I recommend you read a lot, listen to radio and television news and always remember there’s more [to the story]. It’s our mission to disclose what “smells bad,” even when authorities don’t want to disclose that information.

Asha Siad, Canada: Believe in the work that you do and strive to produce stories that go beyond informing.

Nicole Froio, Rio de Janeiro: Don't be afraid to be socially conscious or care about issues.

Muhammad Daud Khan, Pakistan: Journalists are the eyes and ears of society. Study journalism theory and practice it to improve your community.

Main image CC-licensed by Flickr via Marwa Morgan.