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Teplitsa of Social Technologies organizers hackathon [Worldwide]

Posted on Jan 21, 2025 发表在 Crisis Reporting

Activists, researchers, IT specialists, journalists, designers and all data enthusiasts can participate in this event.

Teplitsa of Social Technologies is hosting the online hackathon "Spotlight 2025: Blackbox," scheduled for February 15–16. This year's theme is "Technologies against war, repression, propaganda and secrecy."

Potential projects' key focus areas include tools for monitoring and bypassing censorship and accessing blocked information, tracking repression and war crimes, combating propaganda and disinformation, and more.

Participants can join individually or as part of a team.

The total prize pool is US$7,500.

Participation is free, but registration is required.

Applications will be accepted until Feb. 14.