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Online course focuses on fact-checking techniques [Brazil]

Posted on Apr 2, 2019 发表在 Information Integrity

Students, journalists and other communicators interested in fact-checking can participate in this course.

Faculdade Casper Líber offers a course on fact-checking on Oct. 17 and 24.

Topics include the basics of fact-checking; fake news, post-truth and disinformation; debunking and fact-checking; reporting and in current journalism; what is possible to check; the fact-checking step by step; search tools, spreadsheets and access to information law; what is between the true and the false; how to pack the content; selection of checkable phrases; search for references; veracity classification; and formatting the content.

The instructor is journalist Taís Seibt, professor at Unisinos and co-founder of the Filtro, a fact-checking agency

Registration is open, but spots are limited. The cost is BRL320; there are discounts for current students, alumni, faculty and staff.