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Poynter organizes leadership academy for women [US]

Posted on Aug 2, 2023 发表在 Representation

Journalists in local news, nonprofits and startups, as well as for women of color can apply for a scholarship to attend this training program.

The Poynter Institute is accepting applications for the 2024 Leadership Academy for Women in Media.

A total of 30 promising women leaders will be selected for one of three academies, to be held March 18 to 22, May 20 to 24, and Sept. 23 to 27 at Poynter’s campus in St. Petersburg, Florida. 

The seminar aims to help women gain and polish the skills and knowledge needed to rise to the highest levels of media leadership. Sessions will cover how to beat back imposter syndrome, handle difficult conversations, build better work-life chemistry, navigate ethical situations in the newsroom, and more.

The tuition costs US$1,300, including lunches, snacks and some dinners. A limited number of need-based travel and tuition scholarships are available.

The deadline is Sept. 8.