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Tips on formatting video for the audience and platform

作者 IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 发表在 Multimedia Journalism

How to customize videos, the state of Egypt's journalists union, goodbye to Circa and more in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

How media outlets are making online video work

News videos are becoming increasingly important for publishers online, so cracking the format is key to keeping audiences engaged. (Journalism.co.uk, 6/22)

Revolution and its discontents: The messy case of Egypt's journalists union

Yehiya Qallash, an editor at Egypt's state-owned newspaper Al-Gomhouria, has a reputation as a government critic. He also recently became president of the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate at a time when attacks on the press in Egypt have risen to an all-time high. In his two-year term, Qallash will have to navigate the uneasy waters of post-revolution Egypt: The old dictator is out, a new one seems to be settling in, and many trappings of an earlier era remain, including considerable challenges to media change. (Columbia Journalism Review, 6/25)

Farewell to Circa News

It’s with great disappointment that we let you know that Circa News has been put on indefinite hiatus. Producing high-quality news can be a costly endeavor and without the capital necessary to support further production we are unable to continue. Our mission was always to create a news company where factual, unbiased, and succinct information could be found. In doing so we recognized that building a revenue stream for such a mission would take some time and chose to rely on venture capital to sustain. We have now reached a point where we’re no longer able to continue news production as-is. (Matt Galligan, Medium, 6/24)

How to convert your audience to digital

Consumers are more connected than ever, leaving organizations to determine the best way to engage with the digitally empowered market. Nielsen reports that the average consumer now owns four digital devices and a 2014 Bank of America survey found that smartphones fall below only the Internet and personal hygiene when ranked by importance to people’s daily lives.

As a result, we’ve seen companies across industries prioritize a digital-first initiative to meet consumers on the channels and devices they use most frequently. (TNW News, 6/24/2015)

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Main image CC-licensed by Flickr via Josh Koonce.