More overlooked outlets where you can pitch your work

Автор IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 в Freelancing

After we got such an enthusiastic response to our first set of noteworthy publications, we realized we had a few more kicking around. Here’s another set of outlets you may not have had on your radar to add to the pitch list for the new year.


The Billfold: “We are going to break one of the last taboos in our culture — talking about what you earn, what you spend, what you owe."

This Medium-based publication tackles a tricky topic with intelligence and relatability. Focused around money management, The Billfold injects some humanity into your managing your accounts. (To great success — you may have read about this particular story after it went viral).

The Financial Diet: “Everyone has a story to tell about personal finance, whether it’s living with six figures of student debt or buying a home at 25. We want to hear what really happened, beyond the statistics and generalized essays about millennials.”

Aimed at millennials, The Financial Diet has a clear and friendly set of guidelines about what they’re looking for. Articles on TFD run the gamut from serious investment advice to casual and conversational (9 Unexpected Expenses of Trying to be ‘Quirky and Interesting’) to refreshingly honest (5 Lessons I Learned by Maxing Out Five Credit Cards by the End of College).

General interest

Paste: “Paste is a leading online arts and lifestyle brand, covering music, movies, TV, games, comedy, books, design, tech, food, drink, travel, style, comics and soccer.”

If you have a well-written and original feature profile, essay, trend story or review, Paste may have a place for it. It began as a publication highlighting original artists and music, and has retained a cultural image of being in touch with its readership base.

We’ve heard good things about working with Paste’s editors, and with as many categories as they have, there’s no shortage of opportunity to do so.

Ozy: “From the start, we promised only original content, focused not simply on where the world is but, more importantly, where the world is going.”

Think Quartz meets GQ meets Mic. Ozy unites a number of elements of all three, and keeps good company, having partnered with NPR, CNN, USA Today, Huffington Post, PBS NewsHour, MSN and Axel Springer.

Stories seem to have a global focus — news, analysis, studies, people. If you pitch, ask yourself if and how your subject affects the world around you.


Argot Magazine: “Chances are, you have opinions and varied perspectives about what’s going on in the news and in your community. We’re interested in being a platform for stories on what’s going on in pop culture and politics — with a unique sociological perspective.”

There’s something for everyone at Argot, which will publish first person pieces, poetry and fiction, photo essays and interviews.

Argot specializes in marginalized communities, and looks for pieces that concern those on the margins of society. If you have a subject to tackle that you worry is too much of an outlier for mainstream publications, you may have luck here.

Skirt!: “Spirited, independent, outspoken, serious, playful and irreverent, sometimes controversial and always passionate.”

Delightful, playful, colourful and varied, Skirt! Magazine publishes articles pertaining to all aspects of the modern woman’s life, and a number of personal essays. Their contributor guidelines for 2017 even give you a heads up to the themes they’ll be looking for.

Bonus volunteer opportunity: This one doesn’t pay, but even though we support creators getting fairly compensated for their work 100 percent, we’re excited about what this outlet is trying to accomplish.

A lot of us aren’t doing journalism just because we’re fanatic about AP style (although more power to you if you are). Orb Media tackles massive data analysis to tell global stories, and is looking for members who can share knowledge on their areas of expertise, take surveys or aid in reporting. offers weekly TechCorners, highlighted grants and job opportunities. Register here.

Main image CC-licensed by Flickr via Dustpuppy72