Welcome to the new IJNet

Oct 31, 2018 в Miscellaneous

We at IJNet are excited to present our newly redesigned website today. As before, you'll find on IJNet a wealth of multilingual resources (in Arabic, English, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and now, Chinese) to help you find opportunities and improve your media skills. Our new site also brings you:

  • Topics Center, where you can find information on everything from basic reporting to health journalism
  • Instructional videos on our Arabic, English and Spanish sites
  • Community content, where you can easily upload your own valuable resources to share with the world
  • Specialized blogs written by IJNet editors
  • Discussion groups on hot topics, where you can sound off on issues that matter to you
  • The ability to instantly share your favorite IJNet article or training opportunity on Facebook or Twitter.

What’s more, IJNet now offers expert content from new partners that are leaders in the journalism and new media communities:

  • Media Helping Media (MHM) is a training information site that provides free media resources for journalists working in transition states, post-conflict countries and areas where freedom of expression is under threat.
  • Poynter Online is the website of the Poynter Institute, a school serving journalism and democracy for more than 35 years. Poynter offers news and training that fits any schedule, with individual coaching, in-person seminars, online courses, webinars and more.
  • PBS MediaShift’s Idea Lab is a group weblog by innovators who are reinventing community news for the Digital Age. Each author won a grant in the Knight News Challenge to help fund a startup idea or to blog on a community media-related topic.

IJNet will also continue to build upon its relationships with two existing partners: the Global Forum for Media Development, a global network of 500 non-governmental media assistance organizations, and Webbmedia Group, an international digital strategy consultancy whose president Amy Webb, contributes her popular column on the latest digital tools.

We're excited about our new site. We hope you'll love it--and that you'll tell your friends to visit IJNet!