Young Jordanians are learning about social media and how it can be used to preserve the environment, thanks to a new initiative launched by 7iber INC, an independent, youth-oriented media outlet in the country. Mu7afazat 3al Bey2a is a project that conducts social media workshops throughout the Kingdom’s 12 provinces.
According to 7iber, participants are exposed to social media tools and shown how they can be used for reporting. For example, a group of participants learned how to mix still photos with audio to produce an audio slideshow that focuses on environmental violations at construction sites, while another group produced short videos with messages about the environmental impact of the soda cans thrown in the streets of Karak province (pictured at left).
7iber created a Google map that includes the projects of the participants across Jordan. The map will be updated as trainings continue over the next few months. The project is supported by the European Commission and Heinrich Boell Stiftung, and co-facilitated by Kuluna al-Urdun and the Ministry of Municipalities in Jordan.
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