Public Journalism Club seeks expert fact-checking keynote speaker [US]

опубликовано Aug 31, 2022 в Information Integrity

Fact-checking experts from media organizations in the United States can apply for a keynote speaker role.  

The Public Journalism Club (PJC) is looking for a U.S. expert and keynote speaker on fact-checking, media and information literacy. The expert keynote speaker will participate in a Media & Information Literacy Hackathon, Nov. 12 to 13 in Yerevan, Armenia.

The expert is expected to come up with a speech, provide consultation to all the Hackathon teams, and participate in the Hackathon jury with an advisory role.

Applicants must have at least five years of work experience in media and information literacy and fact-checking.

PJC will provide travel expenses, food and accommodation in Armenia, and an honorarium for the expert.

The application deadline is Sept. 15.