Journal seeks papers on media and sports [MENA]

опубликовано Oct 17, 2021 в Specialized Topics

Journalists, academics and students from the Arab world are invited to submit their papers.

Arab Media & Society, the biannual journal of the Kamal Adham Center for Television and Digital Journalism at the American University in Cairo, is seeking submissions for its next issue on media and sports.

Topics may relate to social media and sports, politics and partisanship in sports coverage, media perspectives on sports and extremism, sports and public diplomacy, fandom and media, the media’s impact on athletes and sports, and/or comparative studies of media and sport, among others.

Although shorter pieces are encouraged, submissions may have up to 10,000 words and must conform to The Chicago Manual of Style.

The deadline for peer-review consideration is Dec. 31. All other submissions, including books and conference reviews, shorter research papers and columns, should be received by Jan. 15, 2022.