Strategies for tweeting, how to build an audience, Facebook's "stalking app" and more are found in this week's Digital Media Mashup, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA).
CIMA offers the Mashup free via email. Sign up here.
Here are IJNet's picks from this week's stories:
Knight-Backed Peepol.TV Aims to Be a Social Network for Live Video
"A channel guide for the entire Internet," the site would guide users to breaking news happening around them. Nieman Journalism Lab
Strategies for Effective Tweeting: A Statistical Review
As Twitter continues its rapid growth, reporting 340 million Tweets per day on average, brands continue to experiment with ways to optimize their Twitter content. But, identifying the trends among Tweets that perform well is difficult. Buddy Media
Staying Efficient in the Face of Cyber War
With an estimated 1.5 billion people using the Internet, there is a lot of money being lost to replace, back up, and restore data. Even more to recover it if the data is completely lost or leaked. Think of how many emails and work it takes explaining to your business colleagues, friends and family that you weren't really in Nigeria this weekend, and that you didn't really lose your wallet. Huffington Post
BBC Considers Labelling User-Generated Content Used in News Items
Author of BBC Trust's Arab spring report 'surprised' 74% of broadcast news items examined featured UGC. Guardian
The Newsonomics of the Shiny, New Wrapper
Publishers are getting more aggressive about repackaging their work into ebooks, iPad magazines, and other new forms, in the hopes of creating something readers will pay for. Nieman Journalism Lab
How to Build - and Keep - an Engaged Audience [INFOGRAPHIC]
Every web publisher - and especially content marketer - yearns for an engaged and loyal audience. But with the sheer volume of noise, clutter and - well, content - online it can be hard to figure out how to reach people and keep them coming back for more. Mashable
Facebook Quietly Unveils 'Stalking App'
Facebook appears to have quietly unveiled a new feature designed to let people see which Facebook users are nearby at any given time. CNN