Pay gap between journalists and public relations professionals grows

por IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 em Journalism Basics

The gap in salaries for public relations and journalism, a newspaper's success in South Africa, an online verification service, and more are found in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

Here are IJNet's picks from this week's stories:

The growing pay gap between journalism and public relations

After years marked by seemingly endless rounds of staff cutbacks, it’s not unusual for journalists to look at options in related fields. One field outpacing journalism both in sheer numbers and in salary growth is public relations. (Pew Research Center, 8/11)

An alternate reality for America’s struggling newspapers exists, but it’s in South Africa

Last week, America’s biggest newspaper by total circulation, USA Today, was effectively discarded by its owner. News Corp, the owner of the second biggest (the Wall Street Journal) suffered another revenue decline. (Quartz, 8/12)

Verifying video and other information – crowdsourcing site Bellingcat now open

The crowdsourcing site Bellingcat – whose posts were previously only visible to donors – is now completely open. (Online Journalism Blog, 8/13)

The impact of digital mega-stories

What is the potential and relevance of mega-stories such as the Guardian's NSA Files project? (WAN IFRA, 8/14)

CIMA offers the Mash Up free via email. Sign up here.

Image CC-licensed on Flickr via Emilian Robert Vicol.