Online course on film criticism [Latin America]

Publicado em Dec 4, 2024 em Specialized Topics

Journalists and others may enroll in this nine-month training in Spanish.

OtrosCines launches a new edition of its film criticism workshop, which will run from March 4 to Nov. 25, 2025.

It is a comprehensive training program that will be structured around four pillars: modules on models, formats, and styles of film criticism and journalism, led by Diego Batlle; modules covering concepts of criticism, references and traditions, led by Roger Koza; special classes on film genres, authors and trends, with Maia Debowicz; and a journey through the history of cinema, led by Diego Brodersen.

The monthly cost is ARS70,000 for those residing in Argentina and US$70 for participants from abroad. There are discounts for those who enroll before Dec. 17.

Registration is open. Spots are limited.