The New York Times R&D Lab experiments with machine learning

por IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 em Digital Journalism

How machine learning is getting rid of time-consuming tasks, Cory Haik discusses The Washington Post's mobile strategy and more in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

How newsrooms are using machine learning to make journalists' lives easier

Much of what many journalists do every day doesn’t involve gathering news.

Just consider the typical process for publishing a story: The reporter reports, writes (or produces) the content, and the editor makes suggestions for revision. Then comes fact-checking and proofreading and other processes focused on polishing the copy. After that are processes geared toward presenting and distributing the story: Selecting a photo, designing art, creating interactives and crafting headlines for social media and the Web that are attuned to search-engine optimization. (Poynter, 8/5)

Press Publish 11: Cory Haik on how The Washington Post is rethinking its strategy for mobile

The executive director of emerging news products at the Bezos-era Post has been at the forefront of shaping news presentation on mobile devices. (Nieman Journalism Lab, 8/5)

Snapchat's news experiment is working - for now 

This month Snapchat Discover tweaked its design, making the content it hosts from 12 different media partners easier, well, to discover. Then it dropped Yahoo and Warner Music from its roster of media partners and added BuzzFeed and iHeartRadio.

So far the design tweak appears to be a success. (Columbia Journalism Review, 8/3)

Digital #storytelling: the next step in digital transformation

How do you recognize solid digital journalism? A good Web-based story is difficult to consume when you print it out. (Daniel Rzasa, Medium, 7/29)

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Image CC-licensed on Flickr via arvind grover.