Photojournalists are often encouraged to avoid using earphones or earbuds on the job. An important event accompanied by sound could occur right next door without them hearing it. It therefore comes as no surprise that there are very few podcasts made specifically for photojournalists — and even more difficult for photojournalists to easily find these types of podcasts.
Fortunately, there are a few podcasters who have not only realized that photojournalists can listen to podcasts on low-volume speakers, but that they also want podcasts that address their specific needs.
Below is a list of regularly updated podcasts that focus on photojournalism and visual journalism.
Around The Lens
A weekly visual journalism show that discusses news, gear and topics related to photojournalism and documentary filmmaking. The show is hosted by David J. Murphy, a photojournalist and filmmaker based in Biloxi, Mississippi.
“Passion and experiences are the two main drivers for why I created the show,” Murphy said. “The other reason was because I couldn't find anything out there that did exactly what I'm doing. Sure, there are roundtable shows about photography like This Week in Photo, which is a great medium-level general photography show, but doesn't really focus on visual journalism except for the occasional show. I wanted something that discussed the issue related to our field on a regular basis.”
Multimedia Week
A weekly podcast hosted by multimedia journalists DJ Clark and Sharron Lovell. The show is aimed at multimedia journalists and students with discussions highlighting current multimedia trends, innovations, platforms and tools. The show also conducts interviews with multimedia journalists, producers and editors.
“The podcast is designed to educate and inspire all modern-day visual journalists,” Clark said. “All our guests give their time and knowledge freely in the hope that it helps.”
No Filter
Created by Robin Moore, No Filter talks to influential photographers about their processes and how they monetize visual storytelling. Conversations also touch on photojournalism, environmental and geographic photography. In his podcasts, Moore has interviewed a number photojournalists with the latest being with American photojournalist Amy Toensing.
“No Filter serves photojournalists and photographers striving to tell visual stories about social or environmental issues,” Moore said. “Most of my guests are photojournalists offering advice to aspiring and emerging photojournalists and photographers.”
Talking Pictures
A weekly podcast hosted by photojournalists Todd Mizener, Todd Welvaert, Meg McLaughlin and Brian Achenbach. According to its about page, the podcast aims “to entertain and lend some insight into the nuts and bolts of photojournalism.” However, it last updated on iTunes on October 10 and tends to release just one new podcast per month. Previous podcasts still provide a great treasure of interviews, equipment reviews and photojournalism tips.
Street PX
A casual bi-weekly podcast hosted by RE Casper and Jim Watkins. Previous guests include documentary photographers and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists like Scott Strazzante. Most of their conversations revolve around street photography, documentary photography and photojournalism. According to their about page, their main aim is to “introduce you to new artists, give you background on known artists and inspire you to pick up your camera and walk out the door.”
A Small Voice
Created and hosted by London-based photographer Ben Smith, the podcast features interviews with a range of world-class photographers, discussing their lives, work and processes. Although the podcast has discussions with commercial photographers, a significant number of interviews have been conducted with established photojournalists.
“Many, though not all, of my guests are documentary photographers or photojournalists, and that will always be the case,” Smith said in an email. “That’s my background and what I’m really interested in, so that’s the general focus and I hope to have a lot more of those kinds of photographers as guests in the future.”
Photo Brigade
Although this podcast features different freelance photographers in various fields, it has conducted a noteworthy number of interviews with photojournalists. Formed by photographer Robert Caplin and his wife, graphic designer Laia Prats, Photo Brigade seeks to “strengthen the freelance photographic community, to share the latest work of freelancers and students and raise awareness for photographers who otherwise might not have the opportunity to share their work with a large community of like-minded people.”
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