At IJNet, we’re always looking for the best ways to engage our readers with daily tips, tools and opportunities in the world of journalism.
That’s why we’ve created the IJNet Forum, a new Facebook group where journalists of all kinds can share and seek advice and opportunities with one another.
What is the IJNet Forum?
The IJNet Forum is you. By starting a Facebook group for our readers, we aim to build a productive, friendly environment that’s more suited to starting meaningful discussions and forging professional connections than our Facebook page allows.
You can use the Forum to find exclusive content — like links to additional job or fellowship opportunities — that we haven’t published elsewhere. It’s also a place where readers can have conversations about the day’s most pressing media topics, or post questions related to job searches, new journalism tools and more.
Going forward, we’ll be using the IJNet Forum to host exclusive live chats with our wide network of journalism experts. We’ll also be announcing opportunities to win gift cards and other prizes recognizing our most thoughtful comments. For starters, we want to hear from you what you think will be the most important trends facing journalists this year. We came up with three — what are we missing? Let us know in the Forum!
How can I become a member?
To join the group, click here. We will vet all requests to join to make sure the group consists of professional journalists, students and educators. Once your request has been approved, feel free to start posting. Currently, the IJNet Forum is only in English.
Happy connecting!
Main image CC-licensed by Flickr via Steve McClanahan.