Freelance journalists will soon be able to earn money for covering events in real time. ScribbleLive's new online platform, which will be launched in 2011, aims to open a new market for journalists by syndicating live coverage to media organizations.
The model was created by ScribbleLive, a liveblogging platform. The site has already launched a marketplace for several media organizations (including Thomson Reuters, NBC, ABC and CBS), but the new platform will allow individual subscribers to also contribute their own coverage. News organizations can then seek out freelancers worldwide who cover specific topics or events.
For example, during protests in Bangkok, Thailand last May, Reuters used ScribbleLive to quickly gather relevant content while maintaining a strong editorial voice. The technology was used to bridge the gap between real-time content and polished reporting.
The individual freelancer’s plan costs US$19.95 per month. The syndicated content is currently offered for free, but ScribbleLive will launch its revenue sharing model in January or February, 2011.