Registration open for inaugural Women Journalists Conference [Brazil]

Posted on 19 sept 2024 dans Representation

Women journalists in Brazil can register for this hybrid conference.

The National Federation of Journalists (FENAJ) is hosting the inaugural Women Journalists Conference, with the support of the Gender, Race and Ethnicity Secretariat, the National Commission of Women Journalists, the International Federation of Journalists (FIJ) and Union to Union (UTU).

The program will address the workplace conditions for women in journalism, efforts towards equality and safety at work, and the importance of a gender, race and class approach in journalism.

The event will take place November 9 at the Journalists Union headquarters in São Paulo and live streamed via Zoom. There are 100 places available for the in-person event.

The registration fee is BRL40 for students and unionized journalists, and BRL80 for anyone else.

Register now.