Reporting on child labor training for journalists [Africa]

Posted on 12 juil 2024 dans Specialized Topics

Journalists, media professionals and journalism students in the Cote d’Ivoire, Mali, Malawi, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana or Egypt can participate in a free training.

The International Labor Organization’s ACCEL Africa Project is accepting applications for the ‘Voices Against Child Labor’ training program. This training is designed to equip media professionals with the skills, knowledge and inspiration required to effectively contribute to child labor elimination in supply chains in Africa.

Participants will develop the journalistic and storytelling skills necessary for producing compelling, ethical and impactful media content on child labor.

They will also learn innovative media technologies and best practices in reporting and storytelling that engage and advocate towards change.

Preference will be given to journalists with experience in reporting on human rights, social issues or on any of the following supply chains: gold, cotton, coffee, cocoa or tea.

The deadline is July 19.