Infographic tool launches new site with free data journalism resources

par Jessica Weiss
30 oct 2018 dans Data Journalism

Journalists interested in creating infographics for data-driven stories can turn to a new site of educational resources designed to help them do so.

The new site,, is the public arm of, a web­-based “data visualization software for non­-designers,” used by more than 1.3 million journalists, activists, communicators and other individuals around the world. The Huffington Post, Al Jazeera and other news outlets use hosts tips, tricks and best practices for data visualization and data storytelling through video tutorials and webinar recordings. It features a sampling of infographics produced during’s data storytelling workshops. It will also provide an updated calendar of events so journalists can learn more, in person, about creating infograhics using is also the home for’s new Ambassador program, which is calling on data experts to hold workshops, webinars and more on data literacy. There are currently 18 ambassadors from 10 countries, from organizations like Open Knowledge,, ICIJ, Hacks/Hackers and more.

“Just like literacy is the ability to both write and read, data literacy is the ability to both visualize and read the visualized data,” said Nika Aleksejeva, chief community manager at, in a press release. “It's one of the basic skills necessary to produce relevant data-­driven content that can change things for the better.”

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