French newspaper turns to Snapchat Discover to teach readers about fake news

por IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 en Social Media

Solutions for teaching news literacy, Le Monde’s Snapchat fact-checking experiments and more in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

Le Monde is using Snapchat Discover to teach fake-news spotting

With France’s national elections around the corner, Le Monde is turning to Snapchat Discover for its battle against fake news.

The publisher has a 13-person fact-checking team, Les Décodeurs, which focuses on hard-nosed debunking — both stories and specific websites — on its own properties, Facebook and Twitter. On Snapchat, the approach is more educational, with Le Monde’s Discover team doing explainers and guides on how not to be fooled by fake news. (Digiday, 4/13)

News and media literacy the way it’s always been taught may not be the right response to fake news woes

Fake news and news literacy and community engagement sometimes feel like new topics — and especially urgent ones, given nightmare-come-to-life incidents like Pizzagate.

But many people, including plenty in academia, have been plugging away at this line of work since well before Facebook had a fake news PR situation on its hands, before Pizzagate, before the 2016 U.S. election, before Facebook passed a billion active users. (Nieman Lab, 4/13)

Advice from BBC News and Trinity Mirror for introducing debunking into the newsroom

"There is no point in getting started with debunking and fact-checking processes in your newsroom if you haven't categorized what you're talking about. So, the big question is, do you actually know what you're dealing with?"

The first thing journalists should be aware of is that there are many types of content that can be debunked, said Mark Frankel, social media editor for BBC News. He spoke at the International Journalism Festival in Italy last week (April 7), alongside Alison Gow, digital innovation editor for Trinity Mirror Regionals. (, 4/11)

Women's Media Center Report: Women journalists report less news than men; TV gender gap most stark

A Women’s Media Center report examining who provides coverage for 20 top news outlets shows that female journalists continue to report less of the news than do male journalists — with the disparity especially glaring in television.

The WMC’s “Divided 2017” study finds that at ABC, CBS and NBC combined, men report three times as much of the news as women do. Work by women anchors, field reporters and correspondents has actually declined, falling to 25.2 percent of reports in 2016 from 32 percent when the organization published its previous report in 2015.

The research, which monitored news outlets for three months of 2016, found that the gender gap exists in traditional newspapers, online news, wire services and TV news. (Women's Media Center, 3/2017)

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Main image CC-licensed by Flickr via erzonseo Webbyra.