Fact-checking Diploma for journalists [Middle East]

Publicado en Jan 28, 2025 en Investigative Journalism

Arab journalists and fact-checkers can apply for this diploma.

The Arab Network for Fact-checkers (AFCN), led by the Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ), is accepting applications for the second edition of its Fact-checking Diploma. 

The seventh-month program runs from April 15 until mid-November.

A total of 20 participants will have the opportunity to learn many topics, including: information disorder, pre-publication fact-checking, data verification, artificial intelligence, fact-checking and writing fact-checking reports.

Successful applicants must have at least two years of experience in journalism and at least one year of experience in fact-checking. Additionally, they must commit eight hours per week for studying the program.

The application deadline is Feb. 10.