Future Lands seeks short documentary film ideas [Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia]

Publicado en Oct 1, 2024 en Multimedia Journalism

Young documentary and video makers up to the age of 35 from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are eligible to apply.

The Prague Civil Society Centre, in cooperation with WATCH DOCS  international film festival and Current Time TV, is launching the Future Lands program — a call for story ideas to be developed into short documentary films.

Story ideas should offer reflections and perspectives of societies as they are today and how they could be tomorrow in the context of post-imperialism. The intended length is around 20 minutes.

A selection committee will choose up to 14 filmmakers for a four-day workshop where they will develop their story ideas or projects. After the workshop, seven projects will be selected for EUR10,000 in funding and mentorship.

Filmmakers are expected to finalize their films by the end of August 2025. Selected films will be screened on Current Time TV in 2025.

The proposals must be in English, and a good level of English is essential for participation in the program.

The deadline is Oct. 27.