Fellowship for Advancing Science Journalism seeks applications [Middle East] 

Publicado en Dec 3, 2024 en Environmental Reporting

Journalists, filmmakers, illustrators and producers from the Middle East and Africa can apply for this fellowship.

The Knight Science Journalism Program (KSJ) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is seeking applications for the Fellowship for Advancing Science Journalism in Africa and the Middle East.

The one-semester fellowship, sponsored by Springer Nature, was created in honor of the Egyptian science journalist Mohammed Yahia, who died in 2023.

The program will offer a US$40,000 stipend for the fellowship period from Aug. 16 to mid-December 2025. KSJ will also cover the fellow’s health insurance, a travel and housing stipend paid near the start of the fellowship, and access to museums and other programs in the area.

Applicants with at least three years of experience in covering science, health and the environment are encouraged to apply. 

The deadline for applications is Jan. 15, 2025.