Maximize news distribution with a 'social-first' mindset

por IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 en Social Media

Methods for building an audience on social media, data journalism for newbies and more in this week's Digital Media Mash Up, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance.

Five steps to building an audience on social media

Last week, we looked at the effects that mobile and social distribution have been having on all publishers, including broadcasters.

In this post, we’ll be looking at how publishers can optimize their digital content distribution channels to start connecting with their audiences on social media, and building up a loyal following. (ENEX, 4/2)

How to teach data journalism for beginners

Data journalism is in danger of becoming the broccoli of J-school education. We all know we should like data journalism, we all know we’re supposed to be doing data journalism, but, like broccoli, data journalism can seem so deeply unattractive and inedible. (PBS MediaShift, 3/31)

A business plan canvas tool made for reporters, entrepreneurs and teachers

An investigative report on the privatization of Greece’s islands and beaches? A documentary following child workers in Bolivia? A video report on water scarcity and the Colorado River? No, that’s not a list of the latest Pulitzer Prize nominees. These are all Belgian journalism projects that have raised more than 2,000 euros each on the crowd-funding website KissKissBankBank. These projects came out of Lab Davanac, a media innovation lab started by digital journalist Damien Van Achter. (Storybench, 3/30)

News companies see movies as opportunity for growth

In a surprising turn, some of the most aggressive contemporary purveyors of information, journalistic and otherwise, are seeking future growth from what has not seemed novel since Edison’s day: the feature-length motion picture. (The New York Times, 3/29)

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