The Norbert Zongo African Investigative Journalism Award [Africa]

Publicado en May 12, 2023 en Investigative Journalism

African investigative journalists can apply.

The Norbert Zongo National Press Center (CNP-NZ) and the Norbert Zongo Unit for Investigative Journalism in West Africa (CENOZO) are calling for applications for the Norbert Zongo African Investigative Journalism Award (PAJI-NZ).

PAJI-NZ recognizes the work of African print, radio, television and online journalists who have conducted quality investigations into corruption, organized crime, human rights abuses, governance, environmental crime, terrorism, etc.

Applicants must be regularly employed in a media organization or regularly collaborating with one or more media organizations. Non-African journalists residing in Africa for at least two years prior to application and covering Africa are eligible.

Any production submitted for the PAJI-NZ must have been published between May 3, 2021 and May 3, 2023.

The deadline is Aug. 15.