Worldwatch offers tools for Copenhagen coverage

by ijnet_admin
Oct 30, 2018 in Specialized Topics

The Worldwatch Institute, an environmental policy research organization, has made available a set of tools for journalists covering the Copenhagen climate change conference, currently underway. The resouces seek to educate members of the media.

A reference guide explores the sources of climate change including descriptions of greenhouse gases, activities that generate emissions, and the broad cycle of environmental impact. The guide provides diagrams to show increases of emission levels by country and year and the impact on global temperature. This reference guide is free and available at

Blogs, written by Worldwatch representatives, update media on the conference happenings. The blogs include discussion of protests and other related information outside the perimeter of the conference, and is available at

A book entitled State of the World 2009 is the product of 47 environmental researchers and theorists who came together to discuss how to manage climate change and what the future holds. Chapters are free to download at The hard copy version of the book is available for US$19.95.

And a newsletter focuses solely on the most recent climate change data, for a fee. Available here.