How to find an online journalism course

by IJNet
Oct 30, 2018 in Journalism Basics

HackPack was started on the idea that journalists worldwide, regardless of location, should have equal opportunities for fruitful careers. That doesn’t just stop at jobs. With constraints of time, location and finances, it can be hard for journalists to get a fair shot at career development, which can be just as important as landing a paycheck.

Luckily, there are ways to remedy that, if you have a steady internet connection. HackPack has put together some of the best learning resources we know online, most free, some with a minimal charge for certification.

BBC Academy

You won’t get a certificate from these, but the BBC has put together a trove of information, advice and how-tos about journalism, production and broadcast.


Coursera charges for courses, although some lectures and assignments are available free to help you decide if the course is what you’re looking for. Financial aid is sometimes available. Available on Coursera:

English for journalism, University of Pennsylvania (started Feb. 20)

Gathering and developing the news, Michigan State University (started Feb. 20)

What is news?, Michigan State University (started Feb. 20)

Effectively delivering the news to your audience, Michigan State University (started Feb. 20)

Journalism, the future and you, Michigan State University (started Feb. 27)

Transmedia storytelling: Narrative worlds, emerging technologies and global audiences, University of New South Wales, Australia (starts March 6)

Making sense of the news: News literacy lessons for digital citizens, The University of Hong Kong, The State University of New York (starts March 6)


EdX offers many courses for free; however, you can pay an additional fee to be certified after successful completion of the course. Available on EdX:

Journalism for social change, UC Berkeley (Started Jan. 19)

Global muckraking: Investigative journalism and global media, Columbia University (Started Feb. 8)

Knight Foundation Digital Library

If you’re an independent learner, the Knight Foundation has some of its publications ready for free download at its Journalism for the Americas site. Many are region specific, but some, like Ethics in Online Journalism, are useful regardless of location.

Poynter’s News University

Poynter has put together over 300 courses, some free, others at low cost, for journalists worldwide. The university currently has over 350,000 registered users. offers weekly TechCorners, highlighted grants and job opportunities. Register here.

Main image CC-licensed by Flickr via Per Gosche.