How mobile apps affect local news, Russia's upcoming Facebook-like site, Twitter's nonexistent correction function and more are found in this week's Digital Media Mashup, produced by the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA).
CIMA offers the Mashup free via email. Sign up here.
Here are IJNet's picks from this week's stories:
Six Media Innovation Ventures Awarded More than $1.37 Million as Winners of Knight News Challenge on Networks
Ranging from an aggregator of mobile video streams of breaking news to a platform that coordinates community disaster recovery, six media innovation ventures were awarded more than $1.37 million as winners of the Knight News Challenge on Networks. Knight Foundation
Could Mobile Apps Save Local News? On mobile devices, social media may be hot, but news still captures people's attention. And the news business, troubled though it has been, is all about attention. But can mobile news apps help save news about your community? CNN
From Russia with Likes: Kremlin to Launch Facebook-Style Social Network
With the internet genie fully out of the bottle in Russia, Chinese-style attempts at top-down control are doomed. So officials have come up with a plan. Guardian
What’s the State of Social Media in Asia?
A study by Burson-Marsteller showed that social media usage in the Asia-Pacific region went through the roof in the past years, showing growth rates ranging from 107% (South Korea) to 12,305% (Vietnam). More than half of the region’s population is active online, with Facebook the most popular social network. Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Japan and South Korea all have larger online populations than Australia. In China, more than half a billion people surf the web. Mashable
Learn to Communicate with Crisis-Affected Communities: Infoasaid Launches E-Learning Course on Humanitarian Communication
A new, free online learning course, Communication is Aid, aims to raise awareness and build basic skills for communicating effectively with crisis-affected communities, before and after an emergency breaks. Internews / BBC Media Action
Why Twitter Resists A Correction Function & Why It Should Build One Anyway
It’s a question that pops up every once in a while among journalists and others: What would a useful Twitter correction tool look like? Poynter