Pulitzer Prize Book Competition seeks entries [US]

Posted on Aug 21, 2023 in Specialized Topics

American authors and writers can submit published books and compete for cash prizes.

The Pulitzer Prize Board is accepting entries for the 2024 Pulitzer Prize Competition for Books.

The Pulitzer Prizes for books are awarded to work in fiction, U.S. history, biography, memoir or autobiography, poetry and nonfiction. 

To be eligible, books must be published in the United States in 2023, and made available in hardcover or bound paperback for purchase by the general public. Authors in all categories except U.S. history must be U.S. citizens. 

All books must be submitted electronically as PDF e-books. There is a US$75 handling fee for each entry.

Winners of each book prize will receive US$15,000.

The deadline is Oct. 13.