Media Party in Buenos Aires calls for workshop and lightning talk proposals [Latin America]

Posted on Jun 18, 2024 in Media Innovation

Journalists, entrepreneurs, developers, data activists, media analysts and others can submit their proposals to this media event.

A new edition of Media Party will be held on Aug. 29 to 31 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This is an international event that brings together journalists, entrepreneurs, developers and designers from five continents to work together for the future of media.

Media Party, the organizer, is accepting proposals from those interested in giving workshops or lightning talks during the event, which this year will focus on generative AI, misinformation and digital audiences. Broader issues in journalism will be also addressed, including local news, monetization and creating realistic virtual environments, among other topics.

To submit a workshop proposal, click here.

To submit a lightning talk proposal about your media project, click here.

The deadline is June 30.