IJ4EU Impact Award launched [Europe]

Posted on Feb 27, 2025 in Investigative Journalism

Journalism teams collaborating across borders in European Union member states and EU candidate countries can compete for this award.

The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) has launched the IJ4EU Impact Award, as part of the Investigative Journalism for Europe, celebrating the best of European cross-border investigative journalism.

Journalists and news organizations can nominate their own investigative projects, or those of others, published between Jan. 1, 2024 and Dec. 31, 2024, involving at least two EU member states and/or EU candidate countries (with at least one in an EU member state).

For projects not published in English, nominations must include an English translation or summary of the core findings of the investigation.

Three winners will each receive EUR5,000.

The deadline is April 27.