Arabic-speaking journalists in the United States with experience in data journalism can apply for this position.
The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) seeks one or more Arabic-speaking data journalism trainers for the Data Journalism in Tunisia program, run in partnership with the Media Development Center (MDC) and funded by the U.S. Embassy in Tunisia.
The trainer(s) will engage with ICFJ program staff in Washington, D.C. and MDC program staff in Tunis to develop a curriculum and deliver six days of advanced training on data journalism skills and using data in investigative reporting for an audience of Tunisian journalists.
Successful applicants must be available from Dec. 5 to 10 to deliver the training in Tunisia.
Travel expenses (flight, hotel, per diem, taxis, etc.) for the training in Tunis will be covered. The trainer(s) will receive compensation.
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.