Grants for public health reporting available [Africa]

Posted on Mar 24, 2020 in COVID-19 Reporting

Staff and freelance journalists around the world can apply for a reporting grant.

The Africa-China Reporting Project at Wits Journalism seeks proposals for public health reporting grants in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa.

Journalists must emphasize on-the-ground impact and perspectives to illustrate how the lives of the people of Africa are changing amid Africa-China relations.

Possible topics include the state of preparedness in Africa for the COVID-19 epidemic; the engagement between African and Chinese or foreign health professionals and others; inspiring role models in the African public health sector; xenophobia and stigma inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic and other public health issues; public health best practices in Africa; and more.

Grantees will receive up to US$1,500 each. 

The deadline is April 30.