Fact-checking competition open [Africa]

Posted on May 10, 2024 in Combating Mis- and Disinformation

Print, broadcast and online journalists whose works held public figures accountable can compete for cash prizes.

Africa Check, a project of the AFP Foundation, is accepting applications for the African Fact-Checking Awards. The awards honor journalism that exposes misleading claims made by public figures and institutions.

Works must be original pieces of fact-checking journalism first published or broadcast between July 1, 2023 and July 14, 2024 by a media house based in Africa. Entries may have been published or broadcast in French or English.

The categories are fact-check of the year by a working journalist, fact-check of the year by a professional fact-checker and fact-check of the year by a student. The working journalist and professional fact-checker will receive US$3,000, while the runners-up will be awarded US$1,500. The student journalist winner will receive US$2,000 and the runner-up US$1,000.

The deadline is July 14.